
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Core Strength Circuit for Triathletes

Triathlete Specific Core Strengthening Circuit

  Triathletes, runners & cyclists, spend majority of their time training the three disciplines: swim, bike & run. Far too often, we see athletes who are injured in some way, most often from overuse and poor bio-mechanics that could be prevented by developing their core strength. With weak core stabilizing muscles, it won't matter how fast you can swim, bike or run if you are injured. Also, a strong core will allow you to transmit power more effectively and generate a stronger forward motion (which equates to faster race times!!!)

   This routine is meant to strengthen muscles specific for triathletes and transfers directly to the swim bike and run.

   Before any gym session, this is a routine that I give my athletes to perform to fire up the core. This can also be done before any swim, bike or run session. It's best done in the morning, as we all know how the day can slip away & the motivation is harder to find the later the day gets.

   Do this routine 2-3 days a week and you will quickly start to feel noticeable gains in your stability, balance, strength and power. Once the foundation is developed, you can start adding plyometric moves into the routine, further strengthening power output and speed.
   This is a routine that I have been doing for years. It was shared with me by my friend and fellow Ironman coach Steven Bentley. Now it is my pleasure to share it with the athletes whom I coach because it is THAT GOOD! One time through the circuit takes about 8-10 minutes. 

How to Perform the Routine

Warm up for 5 minutes with easy jogging, jumping rope or stationary bike.
Use a watch and do each exercise for 30 seconds
Alternate between a strengthening exercise and a core exercise.
Be sure to contract your core by pulling your abdominal muscles in toward your spine.
Focus on keeping your glutes and groin tight throughout the routine
Start with doing 2 sets & progress to 3 sets of the routine done 2-3 times a week.

Here are the Exercises to Do
  1. Single leg standing squats (30’)
  2. Stiff arm over ball (30’)
  3. Medicine Ball Chop (1”)
  4. External Oblique Twists – feet on ball (30’)
  5. One-Legged drop lunges (1”)
  6. Push ups  (30’)
  7. Right Leg Hip Flexors/Extensors (1”)
  8. Left Leg Hip Flexors/Extensors (1”)
  9. Superman  (30’)
  10. Rear Rows on Physio Ball (30’)
  11. Hamstring curl on ball (30’)
  12. Jacknife (30’)

Demonstration Video
(It's ok to laugh :)
I made this video a very long time ago!!

Definitions or Exercises

Single Leg Standing Squats
Do as many as you can for 30 seconds on one leg, then switch to the other leg.

Stiff Arm over Ball

Basically a plank on a medicine ball. Clench all the muscles tight for 30 seconds.

Medicine Ball Chop

Medicine ball in hands, take from over head of one shoulder across body to opposite side lower leg & back up as many times as you can for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

External Oblique Twists

Push-up position, shins on top of physio ball. Rotate at hips, stacking feet upon each other.  Hold the position for 2 seconds then rotate to the other side. Working core & balance.  

One-legged drop lunges
Use a bench to rest one leg behind you, weight on other leg. Drop into a lunge, careful to keep knee aligned with foot, raise back up & repeat. Switch to other side.

Push-ups On Physio Ball

Push-ups can start on the floor & progress to using hands on the ball as you get stronger as this forces you to engage your core more.

Hip Flexors/Extensors

Attach weight machine cable or physio band to your right ankle.  Walk away from anchor point until you feel tension in the cable/band.  Stand on left foot and drive right leg forward and up leading with the knee.  Hold this position for half a second then kick right foot forward hinging from the knee and drop leg down to the ground before returning to start position to repeat.  Do this for 20-30seconds then spin around facing towards the anchor point to do extensors.
Facing towards the anchor point with cable/band attached to your right ankle walk backwards away from anchor point till you have tension.  Standing on your left foot drive your right leg backwards as far as you can while standing upright.  You should really feel this in your right glute muscle.  Hold the contraction at the back end for half a second then return to starting position to repeat.
Switch legs and repeat


-In table top position, with your hands and feet on the floor extend the opposite foot and hand as far forward and back as possible.  Hold for 2-3 seconds then switch sides.  

Rear Rows on Physio Ball

-With feet on the ground and chest on the ball raise your hands out to the side and back slightly while holding light dumbbells or pulling physio bands.  You can keep your elbows bent on this movement.

Hamstring curl on ball

– With your upper back on the ground and your heels on the top of the ball extend the ball out away from your body, hold for a second then bring back towards you as close to your bum as possible, hold for a second then repeat.  Keep hips as high as possible at all times.


In push up position with ankles on physio ball, contract you abdominal muscles, raise your hips bringing the ball towards your chest, then lowering your hips back to plank and repeat.

Stay Strong!!
Coach Robyn

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