Make it Sacred
Its Sunday morning, 6 days Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Chattanooga. Tapering leaves me with a little extra time for contemplation allowing me to tap into my creative flow. Maybe that is why I've been more open and aware. Without getting to woo-woo on you, let me explain. A wise person recently told that if I am going to share with people, share what makes me tick, what I'm about. The premise is that people don't want to hear or read boring stuff like what I had for breakfast or what my heart rate was on that group ride. Normally, I try to speak less, share less and show less, as I know that very few really care, people are just curious and usually not for the right reasons. The world is already cluttered with enough noise and blah blah blahs and I certainly do NOT want to be part of the problem. Which is why I share this message...
One of my favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi
"Be the change you wish to see in the world".
For the most part, I try to live by this principle. So If I want to see less garbage, then I need to create less garbage.
However, a few synchronicities that I can not ignore, have brought me here, typing this blog post. The color blue; the color of our 5th chakra; the throat chakra is everywhere I look this weekend. This is the chakra of expression & communication. Blue is also the color of the Mdot on the Aquarium, the sky in the background, the color of my nails, pants, fleece, the book I'm reading, the Orb ball I'm rolling my tired muscles out on, the color of my jeep, the Camelback water bottle I'm drinking from, the place mat on which I eat....and many other things in my surroundings. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe we just like the color blue.

But then last night I had a dream that something (Ill spare you the details) was stuck in my throat, making it impossible to talk. It was so vivid. I couldn't cry for help, but there wasn't any distress. I just could not use my voice.
So I woke up this morning and meditated on it. It's time to say something, to express myself & to let the world hear my voice. Judge me? Check yourself.
Let's GO!
It's Race week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The race is the pot of gold at the end of a very big vibrant rainbow that comes after the storm! The storm being everything we go through to get here.
- I would like to express my gratitude. Thank you family! Stephen (my husband) for supporting my dreams, for encouraging me and for being my "biggest fan". I definately would not be doing this (racing 70.3 World Championships & Ironman World Championships in Hawaii) without you having my back. My children (2 daughters ages 21 & 14) for putting up with Mom's crazy training schedule, showing up to school functions sweaty & not wearing the latest fashionable styles but in running or cycling attire because I just finished training. Also, I know there's never any fun food in the house because we are "eating clean". Trust me, one day you will thank me. My friends & extended family, thank you for believing in me. I love you all.
- Health. Seems basic huh? Well let me tell you, it's not. Every breath is a gift. Every step is a blessing. Do not take one day of life for granted. I thank God every day for the health and ability to do the things that I love to do. Run, Bike, Swim (well not so much swim but you know) Hike, Play, Yoga. It is all a gift! And I give thanks. Every morning, during meditation and prayer my vow has been to make this journey towards my goal sacred. Every bike ride has a purpose, every run has soul, if not, I just don't do it. My passion pours into every workout that I do. If Im not feeling it, its a message that I'm am not aligned with what is being asked. Either physically or mentally. This journey has been a daily process of assessment and listening to my body. It's not been an easy process for my coach Slayer, but he's gone with the flow right along with me & we term the process "Organic". It works.
- Brings me to my 3rd point of gratitude. Thankful for an BA coach Slayer. Our coach/athlete relationship has gotten me double qualified in a couple of months after chasing my dream for over 10 years. He's been available, knowledgeable, intuitive and motivating the entire time. The workouts he gives me would make most people run & hide, but I love them and I love him, (in a very platonic sort of way) and I am blessed to be a part of the TriCoachGeorgia Team.
- My FX MULTISPORT TEAM!!! I love my athletes. I love to watch them grow stronger. Their confidence and abilities expanding every week. It's what makes me tick! As a coach, my purpose is to help these trusting souls achieve their dreams and when I see them crushing their workouts & races, that is the money shot. So thank you TEAM for trusting me and working hard to bring your dreams to fruition.
So that is what I have to say today. I am grateful for the opportunity to race WORLDS this week. It's an honor to represent you all who have helped me get here as well as myself. I will give it everything I have to do my best. Looking forward to high-fives and hugs at the finish line!
Happy Trails, Coach Robyn
aka KO
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